Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas Tree Lighting

Today I went to see the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in the town square. This event symbolizes the start of the Christmas season. This is especially significant in Riga because the first Christmas tree was rumored to have been light in this very spot in 1510. The ceremony was very short and included Santa, a band and some Latvian pyrotechnics. By Latvian pyrotechnics I mean that they didn't take into consideration the way the wind was blowing when they set them up because all the smoke from the fireworks blew right into the crowd. I don't think I have ever seen a crowd disperse that fast. Here are some pictures from this event (I am really trying to to work on my night photography so I apologize if they are a bit blurry).

The Latvian was hard to see let alone breathe
Santa Claus with the little kids:

The spot of the first Christmas tree
The light tree once the smoke had cleared:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want to see the site of the first christmas tree! You'll have to tell me where its at.