Sunday, May 4, 2008

Independence Day...Again

Latvia has two independence days, the first is November 18 which is when they declared independence in 1918 from Imperial Russia and formed the first Republic of Latvia. Then May 4 is the day in 1990 that they declared independence from the Soviet Union. The government went all out for the independence day with celebrations on four stages of music and choirs performing throughout the parks in Riga. They even had a karaoke version of folk songs with the best choirs in Riga. It was a beautiful day and the highlight was when my friends and I got to shake the President of Latvia, Valdis Zatlers' hand. After the flower laying ceremony he went around the crowd and wished everyone a Happy Independence Day. Here are the pictures from my exciting day.

Bands playing at the Freedom Monument
Flower laying ceremony at the Freedom Monument (during communist times this was illegal so now Latvians lay flowers there every chance they get)
President Zatlers fresh off a hand shake with me
This is how they announce city/country wide events with information printed on large posters displayed in public places.
Tribes of the City...a great Latvian Band
Flower map of Latvia..people could add their own flowers and then they put the pieces together at the Freedom Monument.
At 6:00 pm choirs from all over the country sang the Latvian national anthem Dievs, svētī Latviju (God Bless Latvia)!

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