Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cultural Week

One of the great things about living in Europe especially Latvia during Christmas time is that there are so many fun free cultural things to do. Over the past couple weeks I have been really busy trying to take advantge of all these free fun cultural things. Here are some photos from my adventures.

A classical music concert at the Small Guild.
This is a folk dancing concert with one of the best folk dancing groups in Latvia.

Yet another Astr'o'nout Concert at the University of Latvia Christmas Ball (which I am severely underdressed for). This time I got to get really close and didn't get yelled at when we took photos.


Tim said...

Great catching up on your blog, Laura, and let it be known, fair readers: Laura is an outstanding folk dancer!

Hope you're enjoying Switzerland. I'm holding down the fort in Riga...

Priecigus Ziemassvetkus!

Unknown said...

Sasala jurina!