Thursday, September 13, 2007


As many of you probably know I really hate mushrooms. I think they are gross mold and fungus that grows out of the ground and looks like a slug. While traveling I make it a point to know the words for food I don't like in as many languages as possible. I seriously know how to say mushroom in 10 different languages (well a bunch of them are the same word champinon but whose counting really). So you imagine my reaction when my host family got back from the country and told me they have a surprise. They led me into the kitchen where I discovered to my horror, bushels and bushels of mushrooms. They had gone mushrooming this weekend (there is even a verb for it in Latvian senot- to mushroom) and brought back all sorts of different kinds for me to try. I really haven't figured out how to politely decline them when they give me food. I don't want to be rude and I am a really picky eater. I have managed to avoid eating them thus far but have realized that I either need to say I don't like them or suck it up and eat them. I will let you know which one I decide to do but knowing my passive aggressive nature it will most likely be the latter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my God, this made me laugh out loud! I can't imagine a worse fate for you Laura than living with bushels of mushrooms. Let me know how they taste......hehehehe